Klaus (57) dreams of freedom in a distant country where
he can escape from his daily hardships and the constant
feeling of not-belonging.
Drivenby the archetype of the lonely cowboy, he longs for
the romantic American west of his imaginary. His friend
and filmmaker Konstantin Sichart (28) suggests they
make a film together, an attempt to understand what this
long trip could mean. Both dive into a process of mental
training in order to explore the possibilities of phantasy
within their realities.
Roaming through unconventional german landscapes,
the characters, which sometimes play themselves and
at other times their cowboy alter-egos, are confronted
with one-another’s expectations and consequently,
frustrations. Not everything follows the script in this
make-believe game. This road movie turns into a journey
of filmmaking and self discovery, thorough loneliness
and friendship.
Directed by Konstantin von Sichart
(2021) • 95 min • 2K Video
I have known Klaus for six years now and during this time our friendship has grown into a very special one. Even though we live in two diametrically opposed worlds, there is a special connection between us. We both accept each other for who we are. Our age gap looses significance and becomes just a coordinate in our ID cards. Each time we are together it´s like being back in school-times, playing, making pranks and jokes. This atmosphere can however quickly change into one of thoughtfulness and reflection about our lives and pasts. There is something about our presence which triggers our creativity, allowing us to explore each other´s fantasies, games and desires. In our games everything is possible, fiction can become the most truthful reality. The original idea of the present film was to make a documentary about Klaus and include in it his dream of traveling as a lonely cowboy in the wilderness of the American West. In the end we decided to portray his life story as a road-movie and make a documentary about his dream. This would offer the protagonist the opportunity to experience, through the film process, some of the things he had been so long dreaming of. Together we wrote a screenplay in which Klaus finally makes his journey to reach America. The latter represents the ultimate dream of freedom and self achievement.One day before the shooting started, Klaus confessed in a very serious conversation, that he was seriously considering to travel to America and build a small wooden hut somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. Consequently I came to realize that being on the road for the shooting, became for Klaus a rehearsal of his dream-journey to America. Our tfiction had already begun to mould in the plans of an imminent reality. A Tin Bird’s song has not, however, been conceived to fulfil Klaus’ dream. The film is a tool aimed at actually giving him the chance to try his dream out. During the shooting I reserved the possibility to make changes to the script, leaving it open to influences and changes able to help us find the right path to our story. There are many ways to shoot a movie, we could have shot it in a more straightforward and faithful adaptation of the script. This would have however been in contradiction with a film about freedom. Being part of such a complex project, represented also a considerable challenge for me, in quality of both, the filmmaker in the film, as well as the filmmaker in real life. Therefore a process of introspection became of a twofold nature, both, for Klaus and myself. He had to be confronted with the fictional realization of his wished for reality, and I had to constantly interact with the “fake” and the “real” filmmaker of the story. We wanted ultimately our shooting to be an adventure, we wanted reality to penetrate in our fiction, in our real and fictional selves. I like the surprises and the changes that our project has undertaken, it’s a kind of confirmation that we’re working in the right way.

Klaus Weber | Konstantin von Sichart | Theo Altenberg | Davetingale Oliver
Smith Vincent Nobre dos Santos| Carla Muresan | Philip Kaufmann | Tim Heide
Phillip D. Lüttjohann | Wenke Luise Nickel | David Schmierer
DIRECTED AND PRODUCED by Kontantin von Sichart
WRITTEN by Konstantin von Sichart | Irene Pozzi
ASSISTANCE DIRECTION Irene Pozzi | Nils Fischer | Phillip Lüttjohann
PRODUCTION Konstantin von Sichart | Matthis Heinzmann
DOP Carla Muresan
SOUND Philip Kaufmann | Andrea Parolin | Insa Langhorst
GAFFER Tim Heide | Phillip Lüttjohann
DRONE OPERATOR Phillip Lüttjohann
EDITING Nils Fischer | Alice Dalgalarrondo | Konstantin von Sichart
MAKE UP Wenke Luise Nickel
MUSIC Joseph Varschen | Konstantin von Sichart
SOUND DESIGN Christian Obermaier | Andrea Parolin | Konstantin von Sichart
MIX Jochen Jezzusek
GRADING Bela Pesics