Directed by Gernot Wieland
(2021) 14:26min • Super 8/ HD Video
A critical exploration of the limits of psychoanalysis and psychiatry underlies Gernot Wieland's audiovisual collages in which the habit of saying "I" is confronted with a radical empathy for other living beings and the landscape. An inquisitive gaze at the cruelty and strangeness of the world articulates possible answers to two questions that define his work with a childlike insistence: What do we see? What do we want to see? His narratives operate on the present, past and future like layers of plasticine, slowly moulding images of words and silences, absurd creatures born from the incestuous cross between memory and fiction. Bird in Italian is Uccello responds to these vital accounts of crossed stories between different species, landscapes and objects that share a collective unconscious. He uses them to emphasise the possibilities for a post-human ethic, which are already present in popular culture and which open up paths within the nonsense to which we have been led by the belief in man as the centre of the universe.
Leandro Martínez Depietri
Bird in Italian is Uccello was shown at
BIENALSUR, 3rd Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de América del Sur, Buenos Aires, Argentinien, 2021/2022;
EMAF – European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, 2022;
Riddles, V-F-X festival of experimental audiovisual practices, SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2022;
Echoes from the Near Future – 38th Short Film Festival, Hamburg, Germany, 2022.
The film has received the German Short Film Award 2022, the most important and highly endowed award for short films in Germany, and an award for best film at Festival des Cinémas Différents de Paris.